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US (CA): Cannabis under the microscope at Humboldt County Board of Supervisors meeting

Some like to argue that without a cannabis industry, this entire county will dry up and blow away. You can agree with that or not, but if all you know about Humboldt County is gleaned from the agendas of bodies you'd be forgiven for thinking it were the case.

Though other topics were discussed, yesterday's Board of Supervisors' meeting wasn't much of an exception. The two big-ticket items were laser-focused on the demon weed.

On the cannabis plus side: The board approved a proposal to allow indoor cannabis cultivation at seven separate parcels in the Redway Business Park, the little business zone up Evergreen Drive between Redway and Garberville. Supervisor Michelle Bushnell, who represents the area, said that the park is "largely empty right now."

The proposal, brought forth by Jesse Jeffries of local cannabis firm Evergreen Exotics, would apply an overlay zone – a "Q zone" – over those seven properties, which would open them up for weed production. The water for the operations would come from the Redway Community Services District.

Read more at Lost Coast Outpost