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US (ND): Lawmakers take a step towards legalizing edibles

Members of the House and Senate have passed competing bills through their respective chambers providing for the use of "cannabinoid edible products" by qualified medical cannabis patients. Under current law, state-registered patients may possess either herbal cannabis or infused tinctures, capsules, or topical patches.

Both measures – House Bill 1203 and Senate Bill 2294 – define "cannabinoid edible products" as "soft or hard lozenges in a geometric square shape into which a cannabinoid concentrate or the dried leaves or flowers of the plant of the genus cannabis is incorporated." The Senate version of the bill limits edible products to no more than 5 mg per serving, while the House version imposes a 10 mg limit.

Edible cannabis products possess a longer duration of effect compared to inhaled or vaporized herbal cannabis.

Voters approved the state's medical cannabis law nearly a decade ago. Nearly 10,000 North Dakotans are currently registered to access medical cannabis.

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