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US (OR): Controversial audit disappears from state website

A controversial audit at the center of former Secretary of State Shemia Fagan's resignation has been removed from the office's audit database.

"Protecting the integrity of the Audits Division and ensuring audits standards are rigorously adhered to is a responsibility of leadership. I do not believe the prior management of the audit functions at the Secretary of State's Office lived up to that obvious and unambiguous responsibility," Secretary of State Tobias Read wrote in a letter explaining the decision.

The decision to take down the audit came in response to findings from Audits Director Steve Bergmann about "immediate threats to the independence and objectivity of our Audits Division." Read appointed Bergmann shortly after his term began in January.

The audit led to Fagan's resignation in May 2023. Fagan had a $10,000-a-month contract as a consultant for La Mota, a cannabis company, at the same time the Secretary of State's Office was auditing the Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission. Willamette Week first reported on the contract.

Read more at Statesman Journal

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