New Hampshire's House of Representatives has narrowly approved a Republican-led bill that would legalize marijuana among adults 21 and older, though sales would remain unregulated.
On a voice vote Thursday, House members passed HB 75, from Rep. Kevin Verville (R), which would remove state penalties around the use and possession of cannabis but not establish a licensed commercial market or broader regulatory scheme.
Speaking in favor of the measure, Rep. Jodi Newell (D) said she was representing "the overwhelming majority of Granite Staters who implore this body to end the criminalization of cannabis, to end the fear of unnecessary disruption to people's lives in the event that they find cannabis to be their nighttime sleep aid, their mood enhancer or their morning pick-me-up."
"I stand asking you once again to pass legislation that would entrust our citizens over the age of 21 with the responsibility to consume cannabis, if they so choose, without fear of retribution from the state," she said.
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