Residents will soon have an opportunity to provide input on a proposed marijuana manufacturing bylaw amendment put forward by Debilitating Medical Condition Treatment Centers (DMCTC).
DMCTC, which already cultivates and manufactures cannabis products in Whately and is permitted to operate a dispensary in the former Sugarloaf Shoppes, is proposing a zoning amendment that would allow the manufacturing of marijuana products without the use of hazardous or flammable materials through a special permit in the Commercial, Commercial-Industrial and Industrial districts.
"It looks like a number of uses that are already allowed in the Commercial District," said attorney Isaac Fleisher, who has been representing DMCTC. "We'll make our case to the public and I hope they're supportive."
In a brief discussion last week, Planning Board members expressed interest in sending the proposed bylaw to a public hearing at a future date, which could then set it up to be brought in front of voters at a Town Meeting. They did not, however, signal whether they support or oppose the bylaw.
Read more at Greenfield Recorder