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US (DW): Governor gets criticism for flip-flopping on dispensaries

The Democratic governor of Delaware who allowed a marijuana legalization bill to take effect without his signature is making a questionable claim that "nobody" wants cannabis shops in their neighborhoods, even if there's consensus that criminalization doesn't work.

Outgoing Gov. John Carney (D), who is set to resign the office to begin a term as mayor of Wilmington on Tuesday, spoke about his position on marijuana reform during a wide-ranging exit interview with Spotlight Delaware that was published on Monday.

Carney faced criticism from advocates after vetoing a bipartisan measure to enact adult-use legalization in 2022. He eventually allowed subsequent 2023 reform legislation to be enacted without his direct approval the following year—but he's making clear he remains fundamentally opposed to the policy as implemented and believes most people side with him, at least as it concerns the retail model.

"I'd be wrong in saying that, you know, I just do what I think is right, then the rest be damned," the governor said. However, he said that opponents of cannabis legalization "didn't think enough or talk enough about" their anti-reform messaging in a way that resonated with the public majority.

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