The Ohio Healthy Alternatives Association, which represents over 26,000 Ohio workers, and 2,950 small businesses domiciled in the state of Ohio voted overwhelmingly to oppose Senate Bill 326 sponsored by State Senator Steve Huffman. The bill seeks a draconian ban on federally legal hemp products sold in the state of Ohio. These products were federally legalized by the 2018 farm bill and are responsible for an estimated 2.4 billion dollars in small business revenue throughout the state.
The Ohio Healthy Alternatives Association and its members have continuously championed sensible industry reform and regulatory proposals to the state legislature that would ensure products may only be sold to adults 21+ and stay out of the hands of children. We support products on the market that are tested at accredited laboratories and are safe for consumers. Today an estimated 800,000 Ohioans are currently using these products for a variety of reasons; including combating Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Lupus, Epilepsy, Cancer, and Anxiety. Hemp-derived products have been proven to be alternatives and preventive measures to opioid, and prescription drug abuse.
While over 36 states including Georgia, Tennessee, North Carolina, and Florida have successfully chosen to regulate this much-needed industry, SB 326 proposes a flawed total ban bill that will cause systematic chaos overnight. Yesterday when asked by fellow lawmakers how many small businesses would be forced to close their doors Senator Huffman said, "he did not have any data as to how many could be impacted." The Ohio Healthy Alternatives Association hopes to shed light on the devastating economic impact of this proposal in hopes Ohio lawmakers rethink this approach. They expect over 20,000 Ohioans will be unemployed as a result of its passage and that there will be a net loss in economic impact and possibly billions from lost wages, commercial real estate leases that will have to default on, unpaid vendor debts, unpaid business taxes, and revenue losses for downstream supply chain partners that serve the industry.
Source: Ohio Healthy Alternatives Association