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David Bernard, CC Industry LLC

US (CA): “Every step is automated, from cloning to harvest”

"The automation and standardization in our processes enhance crop quality and consistency by reducing variables and providing actionable data for performance improvement. As we refine our efficiencies, we can better allocate resources and identify further opportunities for enhancement, leading to consistently high-quality outputs," explains David Bernard, COO of CC Industry LLC (C4 USA). The California company currently has 200,000 square feet of canopy, where it produces pharmaceutical-grade cannabis for the recreational market. "The California cannabis market is increasingly seeking pharma-grade products as the lines between recreational and medical uses become clearer. Our advanced automation and GMP approach position us to meet this demand effectively."

According to David, CC Industry's facility stands out because of its plant logics system, which automates every step from cloning to harvest. "We employ automated planting robots for precise crop placement, ensuring uniformity and optimal performance. Additionally, our harvesting process is streamlined by autonomous bots that handle mature crops, enhancing efficiency and consistency. We also use a centralized sterilization platform that thoroughly cleans and sterilizes growing benches post-harvest, maintaining high production standards."

Crop production is controlled through the Priva BMS (Building Management System) platform. David explains that this system leverages a proprietary machine learning algorithm developed by their team to regulate climate conditions with remarkable accuracy (+/- 2°F variance) across 22,000 square feet. "We've optimized energy use with a custom air exchange system, reducing energy consumption while maintaining ideal growing conditions. The infrastructure includes a 3,000-ton centralized chiller plant and a 500,000 BTU boiler plant, both custom-built to support exceptional crop quality and consistency."

Sustainability and creating jobs
On top of that, the company focuses on sustainable water management with a zero-waste discharge facility and irrigation reclamation systems. "Our energy management practices include optimized load scheduling to minimize peak grid demands. We are also developing a water use agreement to repurpose condensate from our dehumidification system for landscaping irrigation, benefiting the local golf courses."

David says that in less than six months, CC Industry has created over 140 jobs. "We're predominantly hiring from the local community. We offer an onsite English as a Second Language (ESL) program for our Spanish-speaking employees, hold educational and networking events through CVCAN, and are developing a cannabis training program in collaboration with local community colleges."

The California market
But how is the market doing in California? David explains that the market is experiencing increased consolidation, leading to reduced institutional capital and more closures. "Recent months have seen significant pricing pressures, which have impacted many businesses. Unless there's a substantial change in the direct-to-consumer market, the industry will likely continue facing challenges."

Yet a big upcoming change is the anticipated rescheduling of cannabis. As a result, David expects significant shifts between recreational and medicinal markets. "This will clarify brand distinctions, supply chains, and industry standards. CC Industry is strategically positioned to excel in both markets through our advanced systems and methods."

For now, the company is hard at work with their production and is even working on an expansion. "We're currently in the design and engineering phase for Phase 2, with construction scheduled to begin in the first quarter of 2025. This will add 150,000 square feet of canopy to our production."

For more information:
CC Industry LLC