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Jelte Veenstra will succeed

Ron van der Knaap, founder and CEO of Van der Knaap Group, is stepping down

On January the 1st, 2025, Ron van der Knaap, founder and CEO of Van der Knaap Group, is stepping down. He has found his successor in Jelte Veenstra, who will be responsible for the day-to-day management of the organization. As founder, Ron has been involved with the organization for over 40 years.

The decision to step back followed a period in which the management of the organization focused on further professionalization and establishing a future-proof structure for Van der Knaap Group. Rejuvenation of the board and management played an important role in this.

When looking for a successor, Ron did not take any chances: "I find it important that my successor has a lot of knowledge of the organization and of the market in which we operate. Someone with broad interests and a lot of experience in an international production environment. In Jelte we have found such a person and I have every confidence that he can take Van der Knaap Group to an even higher level."

Ron van der Knaap (left) and Jelte Veenstra (right)

As shareholder, Ron will remain closely involved in developments within Van der Knaap Group. He will assume the role of ambassador, with a focus on innovation and customer contact.

New CEO Jelte Veenstra is no stranger to Van der Knaap Group. He joined the company over twenty years ago. Jelte has held various positions within the company and has been responsible for the supply chain of coco substrate as a director since 2016. In this role, he has gained international experience.

Jelte said of his appointment: "The challenge of leading the company in a rapidly developing market, driving innovations and tapping into new markets makes me take this opportunity with both hands. It is fantastic to be able to give direction to an organization that greatly contributes to a sector that is responsible for important issues such as sustainable food production."

"Our organization has a clear growth ambition for the coming years," Ron and Jelte explain. An important focus is on backward chain integration in order to ensure delivery reliability and high quality of products. In addition, innovation is one of the pillars of the company. This recently led to innovations such as the organic water system (OWS) and circular raw materials and fertilizers.

"Furthermore, we find it important to offer continuity to our customers, but also to our staff and other stakeholders. We want to keep the beautiful aspects of a family business, but also want to grow and continue professionalizing to be ready for the future," Jelte commented.

For more information:
Van der Knaap

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