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A first look behind the scenes

"The largest indoor vertical cannabis farm in Australia"

Another behind-the-scenes look at another Australian grower facility. This time, it's Medcan Australia, which is 'the largest vertical cannabis farm', as the founder and CEO Craig Cochran describes it.

As Craig remarks in the video below, the core of the company, and hence of the facility, is built around cleanliness and sustainability, "it's about growing highest quality cannabis in a controlled environment. To be able to product now that we are able to replicate again in 2 years."

"The first part of cleanliness is based around PPE," explains Craig. Walking through the first corridor already shows how cleanliness is one of the company's top priorities."Clean walls and an epoxy floor. "

The facility is divided into two sections. They have a GMP area, then they have the GACP area, which is the cultivation area.

The tour has just started, and the company will take viewers through all the different areas of this Australian vertical farm.

In the meantime, enjoy the introductory video while we wait for further episodes to be released to peek behind the curtains of this Australian medical cannabis grower.