Despite the warm weather in Columbus, Ohio, last Saturday, over 100 visitors eagerly toured the new greenhouse under construction at Foertmeyer & Sons. The visitors were treated to a showcase of advanced greenhouse technology, including two different Rovero greenhouse models, an Erfgoed ebb and flow floor, and various innovative heating and automation systems. The interest was so high that many more enthusiasts visited the site on the following Tuesday, resulting in over 200 guests in total.
Mark Foertmeyer welcomes the visitors - and worries a bit about his plants drying out
Fundraising company
Foertmeyer & Sons is a remarkable company known for its seasonal fundraising programs, offering a variety of plants such as poinsettias, petunias, calibrachoas, hanging baskets, and edibles. Through these programs, the company has raised millions of dollars for schools and community groups.
The new expansion features North America's first Rovero Roll-Air greenhouse, and a smaller HortiHouse. The entire range, which includes a headhouse from DeCloet Greenhouse Mfg Ltd, spans about 3.5 acres. It will also include ErfGoed flood floors, a Damatex climate system heated by BioTherm Solutions, and automation solutions from WPS.
Part of the new HortiHouse greenhouse is the patented platform and Jacco van Delden, Jac Gabriels and Roy Bransen are present
The BioTherm team provides the heating solutions - and the cooling solutions
The Erfgoed team showed their floors and the Quick and Easy plant transporation
An Erfgoed ebb and flood floor
WPS automation solutions
Damatex will provide the heating system
An important feature of the Roll-Air greenhouse is it can be opened and closed in one minute, enabling rapid adjustment for weather changes
For more information:
Foertmeyer and Sons
Jacco van Delden
Tel.: +31 (0) 162 574 574
Bredeweg 59
2751 GH Moerkapelle
T +31 (0)79 593 38 00
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