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US (CA): LED lights installed at 1 million square feet cannabis grower

California LightWorks announced that a large traditional agriculture group in Salinas has completed the widescale deployment of its MegaDrive LED grow light system over the majority of its million square feet of cannabis cultivation to capitalize on the rebounding market.

The group now includes Green Vibe, one of several +250,000-square-foot cannabis cultivation greenhouses in the Salinas Valley. Unlike other large growers that started in cannabis or raised money from investors, Green Vibe grew out of traditional agriculture and expanded into cannabis in a big way. By taking a long-term market view and focusing on profitability and efficient production techniques, the group has constantly expanded over the past few years to become one of the largest in California.

Growing cannabis in a greenhouse is more cost-efficient than indoor cultivation. However, to get consistent yields year-round and increase the percentage of A-grade flower, greenhouse operations require supplemental lighting. Even though the climate in Salinas is very good for cannabis cultivation, light levels can drop by more than 50% in the winter or even on cloudy summer days. Since cannabis yield is directly proportional to light received, supplemental lights have become essential for growers to stay profitable. The California LightWorks MegaDrive LED grow light system ensures that light levels stay consistent year-round, delivering the DLI required for optimal cannabis cultivation.

"If you're not growing with lights, you shouldn't be in the industry," said Aldo Juarez, Vice President of Farming Operations at Green Vibe. "If you want to grow in a greenhouse, compete in the market, and have a good sustainable product, you must grow with supplemental lights. LED is much more energy-efficient, and I think the technology has caught up or surpassed HPS. We now have close to one million square feet of cannabis cultivation in the Salinas Valley, all under lights. Over half of this is under California LightWorks LEDs, and we're transitioning the rest."

Adding standard supplemental lights to an existing greenhouse requires power outlets all over the canopy. This means extensive wiring and electrical infrastructure. The patented MegaDrive system eliminates the need for outlets by powering up to 27 fixtures from one driver located at the end of the greenhouse. This means no power drops over the canopy, no conduits, no contactor panels or expensive electrical contractor bills. Removing all the driver electronics from the top of the canopy, where the temperature tends to be the highest, also markedly increases the system's reliability. The result is an up to 80% reduction in installation cost while significantly increasing the product lifespan.

"We are honored that Green Vibe chose our MegaDrive LED system after evaluating several supplemental grow light options," said George Mekhtarian, CEO of California LightWorks. "Our system's reliability, flexibility, and significantly lower installation cost make it the ideal choice for greenhouse and indoor growers looking to capitalize on the rebounding cannabis market."

For more information:
California Lightworks

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