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Survey: 12% of Germans want to join cannabis clubs

In a nationwide online survey, 1,000 people in Germany aged 18 and over were questioned about the recent cannabis legalization. The survey was conducted by Pronova BKK in May 2024, and shows in what ways Germans intend to make use of the new rules. When it comes to the upcoming cannabis cultivation clubs, 12% of Germans respond that they would like to join. With 29% of the questioned people reporting to be cannabis users, this means that roughly 41% of cannabis users want to join cultivation clubs.

The results of the survey show that over a quarter (29%) of Germans use cannabis occasionally, with 12% of Germans using cannabis weekly. Cannabis is mostly used by Generation Z: 54% of 18-29 year-olds said they use cannabis at least occasionally.

For a third of cannabis users, legalization does not influence their consumption behavior. Yet 28% of cannabis users either plan to increase or already have increased their consumption.

Among non-users, the large majority are not interested in ever trying cannabis: 83%. For this, there is not a big difference between generations. 78% of Generation Z (18-29 years old) isn't interested in trying cannabis, the same goes for 83% of Generation Y (30-44 years old), 82% of Generation X (45-59 years old), and 86% of 60+.

11% of non-users intend to try it one day, and 5% of non-users can even imagine themselves becoming a regular user in the future.

So how many Germans are planning on growing at home or joining a cultivation club? 19% of Germans are interested in growing their own cannabis at home. The most mentioned reason is that they want control over the production process. Other reasons are being able to build up your own supply and some even want the cannabis plant as a nice decoration. The survey showed that women primarily see the decorative added value in growing cannabis themselves, while men tend to value the opportunity to build up a supply.

While home grow is already legal, license applications for cultivation clubs will start in July. 12% of Germans responded that they would like to join cultivation clubs. With 29% of the questioned people reporting to be cannabis users, this means that roughly 41% of cannabis users want to join cultivation clubs.

Click here to see the full survey (in German)