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BDSA launches daily enhanced retail sales tracking

BDSA has updated its product suite, offering daily data at a more granular level. With this update, users can analyze data on pricing, market share, trends, brand volume, products and detailed product attributes across 15 markets and counting, allowing them to keep pace with the dynamic cannabis industry.

This new publishing cadence and updated data will be available starting July 2, and existing BDSA clients will receive the update automatically as part of their current subscriptions. BDSA provides actionable, insights for brands, retailers, investors and other cannabis industry leaders. This daily data enables BDSA's clients to answer critical business questions around pricing, performance tracking, competitive set evaluation, innovation planning, expansion strategies and investment opportunities.

"BDSA has spent years perfecting a methodology that prioritizes both speed and accuracy," said Leah Spokojny, chief revenue officer of BDSA. "We refused to compromise on either, and we are thrilled to offer our clients a reliable source for cannabis trends and sales detail on a daily basis."

BDSA's updated Retail Sales Tracking product provides a variety of new features, including:

  • Insight into both menu listed and retail sell-through pricing, providing a comprehensive understanding of the pricing and discounting landscape and enabling the development of competitive pricing strategies that maximize return on investment.
  • Evaluation of brand and product performance, offering visibility into how pricing, sales volume, availability, markup, basket size and velocity intersect to diagnose opportunities and maximize market success.
  • Enhanced basket analytics available on a daily basis, revealing consumer purchasing patterns including frequently purchased product combinations, which will help brands set and evaluate promotional efforts.

"We are very excited to hear about the changes BDSA will be implementing to see more accurate data sets faster," said Kyle Webb, VP of marketing, Timeless. "These improvements will help us to keep a better pulse on our business and make responsive pivots as needed."

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