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"We’ve customized Building Management System technology for greenhouse applications"

"Building Management Systems (BMS) have been instrumental in providing efficient control and monitoring systems in industrial and commercial buildings, primarily for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. However, the potential of BMS is now being realized in a new sector: agriculture," says the team of Ceres Greenhouse Solutions. "The power of this technology in agriculture is illustrated by the SunSense product line."

Ceres has customized Building Management System (BMS) technology for greenhouse applications. "Our SunSense agricultural control system is crafted to suit the requirements of vented and environmentally sealed (hybrid) greenhouses. Through the fusion of BMS technology with our agricultural expertise, SunSense has become a versatile control solution for modern greenhouse automation."

SunSense: Powering greenhouse operations
The power of SunSense lies in its ability to integrate energy-efficient algorithms that optimize greenhouse operations, Ceres explains. "These algorithms serve as the brain of the control system, continually processing data and making real-time adjustments to ensure optimal growing conditions. It monitors environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, light intensity, and CO2 levels. Using this data, the system controls the greenhouse's ventilation, heating, lighting, irrigation, and CO2 systems, creating the ideal growing environment for each crop."

SunSense management systems in action: Real-world applications
SunSense's real-world applications are vast and varied. "One significant implementation is in school greenhouse projects, ranging from elementary to vocational levels. SunSense offers students hands-on experience in modern farming. It allows them to control and monitor the greenhouse environment, thereby enabling them to observe the direct impact of different conditions on plant growth. This enriches their understanding of agriculture and introduces them to sustainability and energy efficiency concepts."

Commercial greenhouses, particularly those involved in food production, rely heavily on the precision of the SunSense system, Ceres says. "It regulates critical zones, such as those dedicated to food growth, medicinal plant cultivation, and aquaponics. SunSense's meticulous control and monitoring of environmental conditions enable these facilities to maintain high-quality standards while ensuring abundant yields. Its energy-efficient operations and real-time adjustments help minimize operational costs, thereby rendering it an essential tool for modern, high-performing greenhouses."

"Research and development companies immersed in the field of precision agriculture also find SunSense to be an invaluable asset," the company adds. "Their pursuit of excellence requires strict and meticulous control over various growing conditions to ensure accurate research. This is where the SunSense, with its superior technology, comes into play. It allows these companies to ensure that each variable involved in their research is precisely controlled, documented, and easily adjustable. This feature is of immense help as it provides a solid and reliable platform for these companies to perform their testing and innovation. Consequently, these companies can achieve more accurate results and develop effective and efficient solutions to tackle the various challenges the agricultural sector faces."

Promoting sustainability through precision agriculture
SunSense contributes to sustainability by promoting energy efficiency. "It optimizes resources like water and electricity, thereby reducing waste and minimizing the greenhouse's carbon footprint. This is crucial for any vented or environmentally sealed greenhouses, where the balance between resource usage and optimal growth conditions is vital."

Data analytics: Streamlining agricultural management with SunSense
Harnessing the power of data is crucial in modern agriculture, Ceres says. "With the SunSense agricultural control system, data analytics becomes straightforward. This platform gathers critical data from the greenhouse environment and facilitates its analysis in the cloud, making it accessible and useful for cultivators."

SunSense interface displaying greenhouse KPIs

Cloud-based data analysis
SunSense processes and stores agricultural data in the cloud. "This approach allows cultivators to easily access and analyze their data from anywhere, at any time. They can monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) such as temperature, humidity, light intensity, and CO2 levels, gaining insights into how these factors influence crop growth."

Real-time monitoring
In addition to data analytics, SunSense provides real-time monitoring of the greenhouse environment. "This feature allows cultivators to closely monitor their operations and make informed decisions based on current conditions, regardless of their location."

Alarming features
SunSense also includes alarming features designed to alert cultivators if something is going wrong at the facility, such as a sudden drop in temperature or a spike in humidity levels. By receiving these alerts in real-time, cultivators can take immediate action to rectify the issue, preventing potential losses and preserving the health of their crops.

For more information:
Ceres Greenhouse Solutions
[email protected]

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