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Getting started with Autonomous Growing? A complete data set is essential

Autonomous growing gives growers the opportunity to optimize their cultivation processes using advanced software and AI, resulting in improved efficiency and precision in the greenhouse. A crucial aspect of successful autonomous growing is adequate data management and storage. In this article, we'll discuss how Priva and Blue Radix are working together to prepare growers for the switch to autonomous growing, and why it's important to have a complete data set.

The importance of data storage
An accurate and complete data set is essential if you want to get started with autonomous growing. Priva and Blue Radix aim for integrated, predictable and accurate autonomous control in the greenhouse. To optimize the grower's unique cultivation strategy and manage it as an autonomous process, Blue Radix's Crop Controller uses various data sources, such as Priva climate computers, sensors, meteorological data and installations. To get the best and fastest results in autonomous growing, we advise growers to have a data set that is as complete as possible.

Priva Connected
Priva Connected is essential for growers who want to move towards autonomous growing. This service ensures that the most relevant data is automatically stored in the grower's own environment, in the My Priva Cloud. Growers who plan to partner with Blue Radix for autonomous growing can give Blue Radix access to their data, so they can start implementing autonomous growing strategies quickly.

Don't have a Priva Connected subscription yet? We'll be happy to help!
We do advise you to store all your data properly and completely in your current Priva Office Direct environment. This will make the switch extra easy, so you can quickly get going with autonomous growing.

Here's how to store your data in Priva Office Direct:

  • Save all realized values. This happens automatically, but you may have made changes yourself over time. Therefore, check the following values:
    • Installation positions (e.g., window positions, pipe temperatures, screen positions (if applicable))
    • Climate measurements
    • Irrigation measurements (e.g., drain measurements and irrigation)
  • Save all the calculated settings. Again, this happens automatically, but you may have made changes. Therefore, check that these two settings have been saved:
    • Ventilation temperature windward
    • Lagging windward

For more information:
[email protected]

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