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US (PA): Testing oversight would enhance under bill that passed House

Members of the Pennsylvania House overwhelmingly voted Tuesday to strengthen oversight of independent laboratories that test the commonwealth's supply of medical cannabis. State representatives voted 196-6 to pass House Bill 2208 on to the Senate for further consideration. Introduced by Rep. Dan Frankel, D-Allegheny, chair of the House Health Committee, the bill would amend the Medical Marijuana Act to allow the Department of Health to verify testing protocol and results.

The law currently requires independent lab testing at harvest and processing points along with stability testing of potency and purity from a harvest batch at six-month intervals for the duration of a product's expiration date.

The bill would require the designated testing lab to provide access to the Department of Health to the standards and results of testing on compliance, stability, research and development, audit and quality assurance.

The department also would be empowered to conduct lab inspections, both announced and unannounced, and may establish a state lab for audit testing of samples, quality assurance and more.


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