The inaugural CEAg World Conference and Expo is taking place August 26-28, 2024, in Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.
"This innovative new event will bring together the growing CEA ecosystem, filling a market void with an event serving the broad spectrum of sectors advancing food produced undercover," said Karen Varga, CEAg World Content Lead. "CEAg World Conference and Expo will provide an exclusive forum for all CEA businesses, including traditional outdoor farms utilizing protected cropping systems (e.g., hoop houses, netting, and/or tunnels), greenhouses, vertical farms, urban agriculture ventures, aquaponic operations, and more," Varga said.
CEAg World Conference and Expo will attract 700+ attendees and over 100 exhibiting companies from all industry sectors with an innovative new event. "Attendees can tailor their experience, engaging with thought leaders and innovators throughout the high-impact, multi-track conference program, an expansive exhibit hall showcasing the latest technology, and a variety of networking events designed for collaboration and idea exchange," said Amy Reddington, CEAg World Conference and Expo Show Director. "The programming will address key challenges for businesses and cover areas such as cost management strategies, optimizing lighting solutions, increasing ROI, crop growth optimization, market insights, climate control, pest and disease management, sustainable practices, and more."
"CEAg World Conference and Expo will showcase the cutting-edge technologies and companies developing solutions to advance food under cover," said Ron Trznadel, CEAg World Event Sales Director. "Companies can participate through premium event sponsorships, tech presentations, and an engaging tradeshow floor, all enhanced with our integrated multi-media market access for year-long engagement that will deliver high-impact opportunities to build businesses serving controlled environment producers."
For more information:
CEAfg World