In the back of Stockton University’s 1.2-acre Sustainability Farm is a section some call “sin corner.” Just a short distance from a row of 20-foot-tall hops vines and next to a line of tobacco plants is a 62-foot-long plot surrounded by a fence and a locked gate.
On the other side of the fence are something only a few universities in the country have cultivated outdoors — hemp plants.
In this case, about 150 of the plants are flourishing, reaching heights of 10 feet or more.
Hemp is a botanical class of cannabis grown for industrial or medicinal use. The plants have little to almost no THC, the major psychoactive component of cannabis.
It’s the second year Stockton has grown the plants. This year’s crop is part of its Cannabis and Hemp Research Initiative, created in 2021 to conduct agricultural and nonmedical cannabis and hemp research.