Kiemle, a family-run firm based in Bietigheim-Bissingen, Germany, specializes in growing vegetable plants. The site, covering around 35 hectares, includes 7.5 hectares of glass and foil houses and about 25 hectares of outdoor growing areas. Through optimum growing conditions and preventive use of beneficial insects, the nursery avoids chemical pesticides as far as possible. Since the beginning of 2023, the company has been in possession of an AS 1200 rechargeable spray blower from Birchmeier, and everyone is more than happy with it. "After all, it ensures excellent penetration and wetting of leaves, thus making the solution applied much more effective."
As a regional producer of vegetables, lettuce, and herbs, the Kiemle nursery in Bietigheim-Bissingen, Germany, relies on integrated pest control. The aim is to keep plants healthy and use as few pesticides as possible. To achieve this aim, the firm chooses resistant and suitable varieties, fertilizes plants according to requirements, and uses plant-strengthening agents.
Its integrated pest control measures center on the use of beneficial insects against pests. Chemical agents are used only when pests become too overwhelming, and all other viable options for defense and control have been exhausted. These are specifically tailored to the pest and the situation at hand. If possible, chemicals are applied only in a selective manner.
This year, the family firm purchased the rechargeable REC 15 backpack sprayer together with the rechargeable AS 1200 spray blower from Birchmeier.
© Birchmeier/Kiemle
Philipp Reinhold, the member of staff responsible for pest control, explained how his work has changed as a result of the new spraying systems.
The nursery uses the spray blower in the tunnel to treat young vegetables, lettuce, and herbs and in the high greenhouse to treat cucumbers and tomatoes. Reinhold said: "The application rate is much lower than it was with the tractor sprayer and gun that were used in the past. The hand-held device can also be deployed more quickly."
The skilled gardener uses the orange nozzle in the blower as standard for a medium discharge up to a maximum of 1.12 l/min. He sets the backpack sprayer at 5 bar. He does, however, vary the speed of the air stream to ensure efficient application.
He treats the cucumbers and tomatoes in the high greenhouse at a low air level – level 2 – and the young plants, herbs, and lettuce in the tunnel at level 4. He particularly appreciates the even spray pattern and the improved wetting of the plants.
With the previous sprayer, there was a risk of injuring the plants with the powerful jet. If there were small cracks on the leaves, fungal spores could enter, and the harvest would then be in danger. Now, however, the blower's air stream lifts the leaves and distributes the solution evenly, even on the undersides of the leaves.
Reinhold said: "With the AS 1200, we haven't reduced our spraying cycles, but we use far fewer chemicals, and the solution gets to exactly where it's needed."
The individual experiences of users from other production companies and other branches of the horticultural industry can be found in the catalog on the Birchmeier website.
For more information about Kiemle:
For more information:
Birchmeier Sprühtechnik AG
Im Stetterfeld 1
5608 Stetten, Zwitserland
Tel.: +41 56 485 81 81
Fax: +41 56 485 81 82