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US (ME): Wilton approve licenses for 4 cannabis grow operations

Four cannabis grow businesses received their licenses from the Wilton Board of Selectpersons on Tuesday, Sept. 5, under the conditions that they have a lease for the location of their grow operations, which is at 128 Weld Road, within 10 days, and they install a filtration system within 90 days.

The four businesses are Kennebec Quality Gardens LLC, Biyon Gardens, Westside Botanicals LLC, and Shi Ang Gardens. According to Ellsworth, these four operations have been licensed by the state but have not been licensed by the town since 2021. The Select Board voted in favor of granting the licenses four to one, with Selectperson Mike Wells firmly against the granting of the licenses on the grounds of zoning ordinance laws.

“In our ordinance, as it stands right now, failure to meet the requirements of this ordinance are grounds for denial of a permit,” Wells stated to the Select Board. “In other words, if they’ve been doing business in the Town of Wilton without a license, it’s grounds for revocation or denial of the license or permit for the Town of Wilton.”

The four individual owners [Jackson Zheng, Biyon Huang, Xiong Wei Huang, and Shi Ang Chin] have been working with Edward DuGay, owner of Harvest Consulting LLC, in regulating their business and getting things under control, with the biggest issue being the smell of cannabis during harvest.