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Germany: Lower Saxony's Minister of Agriculture wants to use empty pigsties for cannabis cultivation

Will livestock farmers soon be using empty pigsties for cannabis cultivation? In the view of Lower Saxony's Minister of Agriculture, Miriam Staudte (Greens), that would be a good alternative.

Lower Saxony's Green Minister of Agriculture Miriam Staudte proposes to farmers who have stopped their pig farming to cultivate cannabis in the stables.

Staudte expressed her idea in the NDR program 'Hallo Niedersachsen,' which aired on May 2 (02.05.). The minister could imagine "that this would mesh well." For example, she said, indoor cultivation in former pigsties is safe - both in terms of the buildings and the quality of the hemp plants, which can be better controlled in the stables.

Staudte believes a controlled expansion of hemp cultivation over time is likely.

Cannabis in the pigsty is only an option for a few pig farmers
From the agricultural sector, the voices that have commented on Staudte's proposal so far are unanimous. The Landvolk Niedersachsen expresses concerns about the necessary know-how and open questions regarding permits. Landvolk Vice President Ulrich Löhr believes cannabis cultivation could become a niche for only a few pig farmers.

Staudte pointed out to NDR the possibility for farms to lease the buildings to future cannabis social clubs. Nevertheless, the stables would have to be converted for hemp cultivation, according to Löhr. What would remain, moreover, would be the danger of barn break-ins when "unsolicited harvesters" try to steal cannabis.

Torsten Staack described Staudte's proposal as a well-intentioned suggestion. However, the managing director of the Interessengemeinschaft der Schweinehalter Deutschlands (ISN) does not believe that cannabis in the pigsty is a real option for many farmers. After all, he said, these are livestock farmers who need completely different marketing structures. "Not all agriculture is the same," Staack told NDR.

CDU Lower Saxony: Cannabis is a climate killer
Clearer criticism came from Lower Saxony's CDU member of parliament, Marco Mohrmann. He points to the high energy consumption and warns, "Cannabis cultivation is a climate killer." For Mohrmann, Staudte's conversion recommendation means "mocking" farmers.

Source (in German):