The fact that there are growers who make a lot of money from energy trading is no secret in the sector itself. However, a report on this by WOS will cause frowns among outsiders because how is that possible? Are growers becoming millionaires during the energy crisis?
The local broadcaster asked Rob Baan of Koppert Cress for an explanation. He explained how it works with the help of some arithmetic. "Suppose a grower has bought gas for five years at 0.20 cents for a million cubic meters. He then starts using only half of his cultivation, i.e., 500,000 cubic meters, and for the other half of the cultivation, he 'sells' his gas at a euro, 500,000 euros in total. Then he makes a hefty profit." The downside to this, however, is that once sold, that grower currently has difficulty buying gas back at a price at which profitable cultivation is possible.
It could be even more extreme. Some colleagues have really become "rich beyond belief," according to Rob, by selling their greenhouse with a long gas contract at even lower prices. "With the sale of their gas contract, they have already secured their pension," he says.
Glastuinbouw Nederland did not want to say much else about the issue at WOS. According to the industry association, it happens "really on a very small scale." Read the whole message (in Dutch) here.