Pelican Delivers is currently in talks with Tesla to create and produce vans specifically for delivering cannabis.
Pelican Delivers collaborates with state/province-licensed cannabis stores to purchase products and then deliver them directly to the consumer, utilizing innovative technology to facilitate dynamic workflow of orders, real-time lead generation for drivers, escrow, release, and transfer of funds, and authentication of customer identity prior to delivery. Pelican Delivers strives to always comply with both state/provincial laws and interstate commerce.
Pelican Delivers is collaborating with Tesla to design and manufacture delivery vans specifically created for delivering cannabis. The announcement comes at a time when electric vehicles are wildly sought-after for both individual and commercial use and when cannabis use is at an all-time high.
“We couldn’t be more pumped about our concept of electric cannabis delivery vans,” says the founder and CEO of Pelican Delivers, Dave Comeau. “This is an idea we’ve had for some time, so to be in current talks with Tesla about our vision is such a humbling experience. We can’t wait to see what the final product will look (and drive) like.”
For more information:
Pelican Delivers