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DCC announces $20 million in grants for cannabis-related research

DCC announced it is soliciting proposals for research projects that advance public understanding of cannabis and its legalization. DCC will fund up to $20 million in cannabis-related academic research by California public universities and is prioritizing topics that address gaps in scientific knowledge and guide future policy decisions. 

For the first time, DCC has identified specific research topics that will be prioritized for grant funding, which would advance understanding of cannabis, address existing research gaps, and inform policymakers. Research topics include:  

- Cannabis potency and health impacts 
- The health of California’s cannabis industry 
- Legacy cannabis genetics 
- Monopolies and unfair competition 
- Medicinal use of cannabis 

Grant proposals will be accepted from November 1, 2022 until Nov. 30, 2022. Awarded research projects will be announced in early February 2023. Researchers will be required to make research findings available to the public, at no cost, in order to promote more rapid enhancement of scientific understanding of topics researched. 

For more information:
Department of Cannabis Control