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CAN (ON): Masson-Angers cultivation campus received GACP standards certification

Hexo;s Masson-Angers cultivation campus has received its Control Union Medical Cannabis Standard GACP (“CUMCS-GACP”) certification.

“Receiving the CUMCS-GACP certification is a testament to the team’s attention to detail and commitment to producing high-quality, consistent cannabis products to serve the global cannabis industry,” said Sebastien St-Louis, HEXO CEO and co-founder. “As we continue to go after additional market share in Canada, and to penetrate new markets around the world, this certification demonstrates that we continue to offer high-quality output our current and future CPG partners can count on.”

The CUMCS-GACP certification represents a standard of quality and consistency for cannabis propagation, cultivation and post-harvest processes and is compliant with both the World Health Organization and European Medicines Agency Good Agricultural and Collection Practice guidelines.

For more information:
204-490, Boulevard Saint-Joseph,
Gatineau, QC J8Y 3Y7
[email protected]      

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