Aleafia Health Inc. will now commence operations in the entirety of its 160,000-square-foot Niagara Facility located in Grimsby, Ontario.
On March 13, 2020, Aleafia secured its initial cultivation license authorizing operations in 70,000 square feet of the Niagara Facility. The company may now operate in the remaining 90,000-square-foot of the facility following changes to site plan approval requirements announced by Health Canada on May 12, 2020. The government no longer requires license amendment applications for certain site plan changes, as long as they are within an approved building that already appears on the previously issued license.
“This is an incredibly important breakthrough for Aleafia Health. We can now fully leverage the advanced automation built into the Niagara Facility, including automated moving container benches which allow for a perpetual, year-round harvest,” Aleafia Health CEO Geoffrey Benic said.
For more information:
Aleafia Health