urban-gro has announced gro-care, a virtual support solution for cultivator equipment and facilities across North America.
"The gro-care Managed Services offering focuses on preventing downtime while driving business continuity for cultivation facilities via remote monitoring, optimizing yields and labor resources with staff training and workflow audits, and minimizing avoidable emergencies through offsite support from urban-gro's team of experts in maintenance, commissioning, design, IPM, procurement, and IT engineering," the team with the company explains.
The urban-gro gro-care monthly subscription includes the following suite of solutions:
- Remote Engineering: A dedicated team of maintenance and cultivation experts help customers set, monitor, and analyze all types of digital cultivation equipment, from fertigation controllers to HVAC equipment.
- Resource Optimization: Our cultivation space planning team will help customers to assess labor allocation after reductions/expansions in workforce, while taking on non-core tasks, like product procurement, recurring consumable purchasing, setting maintenance schedules, and more.
- IPM Support: urban-gro's team of plant scientists help customers integrate proactive plans to prevent pathogen emergence, with recommendations for nutrients and pesticides that have been screened by the compliance team.
- Commissioning: Our commissioning personnel will support your team by both teaching them how to operate and repair equipment in your cultivation, as well as providing troubleshooting support, by leveraging our years of experience with a diverse set of assets.
"The COVID-19 pandemic has required everyone to act quickly to ensure the safety of their employees and their communities. As a North American leader in complex equipment systems, urban-gro quickly recognized that we needed to change our approach to business," remarks Bradley Nattrass, CEO of urban-gro. "I asked our leadership, operations and cultivation teams to create a solution that will work in today's world of social distancing. As the saying goes 'necessity is the mother of invention' and today we offer gro-care to our customers in the United States and Canada. The gro-care team will operate virtually while our design, engineering and Environmental Sciences divisions continue to operate efficiently during the pandemic."
"The gro-care service gives our customers the ability to leverage all of urban-gro's expertise through a monthly subscription, at a fraction of the cost of full time, in house operations," says Colin Ferrian, Director of Enterprise Solutions. "From setting up and operating your environmental controller, to sourcing compliant products that help protect our customers' crops from powdery mildew, we will equip our customers to handle issues remotely."
urban-gro will provide a webinar on training and monitoring of fertigation controllers on April 15, 2020 at 10:00 MDT. To register, for the webinar, visit https://bit.ly/2ygLqij. For more information, please contact Colin Ferrian, Director of Enterprise Solutions, at [email protected]
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