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US (FL): Florida MMJ facility opts for air-cooled chiller

Tecogen has announced an order for a Tecochill CH-50 air-cooled chiller to a medical cannabis cultivation facility in Florida. "The Tecochill 50-ton product, a self-contained, modular chiller designed to be located outdoors, is an excellent fit for smaller grow facilities pursuing the lower operating costs of gas cooling," the team with the company explains.

"Cultivation facilities that do not have the size and scale for water-cooled chillers are an ideal fit for our Tecochill 50-ton air cooled chillers," said Stephen Lafaille, Director of Business Development at Tecogen. "This product, with many sections of the system pre-piped, can be located outdoors with minimal onsite fabrication, often on the roof, without occupying valuable indoor grow space. Moreover, with natural gas prices at historic lows, operating costs of gas cooling are significantly lower than cooling grow spaces with electric chillers. The Tecochill solution also eliminates the need for additional 3-phase power the facility would need for cooling with electric chillers. As cannabis cultivation becomes more competitive, the importance of low operating costs is imperative as facilities expand their operations."

This is the 34th Tecochill sold in the North American indoor cannabis grow industry and the 4th in Florida. Florida currently allows medicinal sale of cannabis and is expected to vote on recreational use later in the year. Tecogen's factory service presence in Florida was an important criteria for selecting Tecochill. Tecogen has 11 factory service centers in North America equipped with Tecogen's cloud-based remote monitoring capabilities to ensure rapid response to critical process cooling customers such as indoor grow facilities.

"We continue to see the indoor controlled agriculture industry embrace Tecogen as a reliable, cost-effective solution for their energy needs," stated Benjamin Locke, Tecogen Chief Executive Officer. "While medium-to-large cultivation facilities typically require larger water-cooled chillers such as our Tecochill 200 and 400-ton units, smaller facilities can achieve savings using our outdoor Tecochill 50-ton air-cooled unit."

For more information:
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Waltham, MA 02451
Toll Free: 800-678-0550
Fax: 781-466-6466
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