Weekend Unlimited Industries will be deploying True North Cannabis’s specialized product upgrade process for the 2020 organic biomass grown on the Northern Lights Organics farm in Northern British Columbia.
“Our recent partnership with True North allows us to leverage their specialized product upgrading process which will essentially raise the CBD percentage, while at the same time lowering the volume, which lowers the cost for extraction,” said Weekend President and CEO Chris Backus. “Given the nature of CBD and current market conditions, extraction costs on lower potency biomass often drives down profit margins. By engaging in this process with True North, we will decrease the volume of biomass volume for extraction and increase CBD potency, allowing us to effectively position our product in a competitive biomass market.”
“Based on past numbers and analysis done on Northern Lights research crops, we are excited to leverage our upgrade process on the 2020 crop from Northern Lights Organics. Although every process in unique with outcomes, we are confident we will see similar results in terms of substantially increasing the CBD potency, while reducing the overall biomass required to be extracted,” said True North CEO Shayne Hamilton. “This process enhances the overall efficiency of biomass in CDB extraction.”
For more information:
Weekend Unlimited
+1(236) 317-2812
[email protected]