According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) the latest California romaine lettuce E. coli outbreak has infected over 100 people in 23 States and two Provinces with 58 hospitalized. The cost of this outbreak is estimated to exceed $120 million.
CO2 GRO’s CO2 Delivery Solutions has been demonstrated to slow the growth of E. coli by up to 99% through their “Perimeter Protection” methodology which creates an unfavorable pathogen growth environment around plant leaves. The first demonstration occurred with bacterial cultures and bacteria grown on pepper plants in Q4, 2018 at St. Cloud State University. A cannabis demonstration at two U.S. commercial greenhouses was then conducted with results communicated via a press release dated February 25, 2019.
The company’s “Perimeter Protection” technique mists aqueous CO2 solution onto plant leaves. This creates an aqueous film around the leaves with a temporarily low pH. As CO2 diffuses into the plant leaves the aqueous film’s pH increases. It is this frequent fluctuating pH volatility that arrests the growth of E. coli colonies.
According to John Archibald, CO2 GRO’s CEO, “While our CO2 Delivery Solutions enhances plant growth, it also creates a plant perimeter defense against bacteria outbreaks like E. coli. We are actively introducing our technology to California growers wishing to increase profits from higher yields while lowering risks of E. coli outbreaks affecting consumers”.