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Exploring growing cannabis in a greenhouse

Growers considering to enter into cannabis production are presented with several possibilities of where to grow. The options include indoors, outdoors, or greenhouses, which is a combination of indoor and outdoor.

There is an increase in popularity for greenhouse farming among cannabis growers. The efficient means of production has forced many cultivators to switch to greenhouse farming of cannabis. Greenhouses offer farmers the ability to control and protect their crops. It is also cost-saving. Besides, it provides the plants with the natural light of growing outdoors.

Cannabis produces high quality and quantity yields if efficient and sophisticated systems of cultivation are in place. Farmers need to consider several factors when planning a commercial cannabis operation in a greenhouse. These include the structure, roofing, and the equipment, which are discussed below.

The structure of your greenhouse is the most critical decision you will have to make when choosing a greenhouse for cannabis production. The gutter-connected greenhouse is a versatile option suitable for any grower, especially cannabis growers. Gutter-connected greenhouses are well ventilated, and it can be connected to other standalone greenhouses. 

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