In Neumünster, Aphria Germany is currently building a high-tech medical cannabis growing facility. "A vault", is how Hendrik Knopp describes the project to a German television channel. The facility is to be equipped with 400 cameras, to be realised with 14,000 tons of concrete and will be ready to withstand a 2-hour duration attack with heavy equipment. According to Hendrik that, amongst other things, is what it takes to comply with the strict German growing rules.
Source: Tagesschau Germany
German market
Earlier this year licenses were awarded to grow medical cannabis in Germany, for the German market. Aphria Germany had gotten five of the 13 lots. One lot stands for an annual amount of 200 kilograms of cannabis flowers per year, five lots for one ton.
Earlier the team with Aphria explained they wanted to set up their business on two pillars: the company wants to offer three varieties of flowers by cultivating them locally. They want to offer other varieties of medicinal cannabis by importing them from Canada and, in the future, also from Denmark.
In the video, Hendrik points out how the demand for medical cannabis is increasing in Germany and how import is needed since this facility only covers part of the needs of the 50,000 to 60,000 patients.
Neumünster facility
The team with Aphria Germany recently celebrated reaching the highest point of the facility. They have quite some months to finalise the project: Production has to start in summer 2020.