You get far with a lot of effort and energy. As a newcomer, A1 Tuinbouwtechniek has been able to conquer a place in the market. That happened in a relatively short time. The company deals with the total technical interior of the greenhouse. Currently that mainly concerns screen installations and water technical installations. It varies from resolving malfunctions to projects of twenty hectares. Marco Prins, Geert Kuivenhoven and Ron Duijvesteijn are the three owners of the Dutch business location.
Since the first of April a second branch has been added, in Australia. Gregor Majdak is in charge over there. He is busy with expanding his team. The company is located near Melbourne. Most greenhouse horticulture companies can be reached within a 4 or 5 hour drive. Two years ago cannabis was legalized in Australia. A1 Growsystems is ready to become active for that crop.
A1 is active both in the Netherlands and abroad (in addition to Australia). With their export activities, they're riding the wave that more and more countries want to be self-sufficient. And that applies to many countries. Marco just mentions a number of countries where the greenhouse acreage is being expanded considerably: Germany, Japan, Australia.
Marco Prins and Ron Duijvesteijn
Technical changes
Marco has been active in greenhouse horticulture for many years. First as a subcontractor and now as a main contractor. It strikes him that in water technology there is more consideration about the choice of materials to use. Previously mainly PVC pipes were used. Marco: "We see more leaks at flare connections. HDPE is now being used more often. It is welded, is softer and more flexible and that reduces the number of leaks."
And in terms of screen installations, Marco is particularly happy with ValkScreenVision. Together with Van der Valk Horti Systems, they were able to contribute to the perfection of this system. Marco: "We have shared our experiences with them. They started working on their further development. They have gone about it well."
Ron and Marco started A1 seven years ago. They already had worked together a lot. When a very large project came their way, they decided to join forces. That's how they became the main contractor. Geert joined rather quickly. The business risks are spread with the acquisition of Van Oosten Beregeningsystemen and A1 Growsystems in Australia.
A lot of work has been and is being done to build up their business. "Our commitment and willingness to invest every euro of profit by the owners, is being rewarded."
For more information:
A1 Tuinbouwtechniek
Naaldwijkseweg 378
2691 RA ’s-Gravenzande
The Netherlands
tel +31 (0)174 752 550
[email protected]
A1 Grow Systems
Gregor Majdek
4 / 21 A Dickens Street
Elwood Victoria 3184
Tel +61(0)499800304
[email protected]