At Greentech 2019, Pelemix devoted a special part of their booth to CannaMiX product line of pure coir or mixed coir & peat substrates, specifically developed for cannabis cultivation. “The mix provides an environment in which the roots can develop very fast and healthy, effecting on the growth of uniform, compact plants with lots of buds” says Eli Shalmon.
Eli Shalmon at GreenTech 2019, Amsterdam
To come up with the CannaMiX product range, Pelemix did lots of research, not only within their own company. “We have been working together with several Israeli investigation authorities and private companies. In Israel there are more than 150 projects to find the benefit of medical cannabis to several illnesses”, says Eli. “Growers are looking for uniform plants with a consistent flower quality. They also want to avoid the usage of chemical crop protection. According to the GAP regulations growers must have pure clean substrates and the final product (i.e cannabis flower or cannabis extracts) must be clean from heavy metals, pathogens, bacteria and so on.”
Clean blend
“A lot of those elements are determined by the substrate. So it is our job to provide the growers the perfect clean blend that fits their way of growing, their different growing technologies and climate conditions, whether they grow outdoor, in greenhouses or indoor. Pelemix also supports growers by sharing our knowledge and worldwide experience by advising them about irrigation and fertilization.”
Professional growers will survive
The company has been active in the horticultural market for twenty years, and for eight years they supply coco coir based substrates to cannabis growers in different growing technologies. “We have seen markets open up, especially in the last couple of years, as more and more countries approve cannabis cultivation for medical purposes”, says Eli. “As with every growing market, only the professional and efficient growers will survive and stay in the market. No matter if they grow indoors or outdoors, they will focus on a year-round production with maximum efficiency required. After all, that is what the market demands – good economical and professional results.”
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