Deep Sky Mobile, a partnership between AppSwarm and AI VentureTech, announces the launch of Internet of Things (IoT) solution to assist industrial companies in building customized IoT solutions for their enterprise.
Deep Sky now has a team of IoT specialists who can provide specialized IoT solutions for most any large industrial company seeking the ability to monitor their equipment and operations through a cloud-based platform.
IoT solution for HVAC
The Internet of Things could drive down facility HVAC energy costs by integrating smart IoT monitoring devices with the company's platform. IoT-enabled HVAC usually takes the form of smart thermostats and sensors monitoring environmental changes and communicating back and forth with HVAC equipment, dynamically adjusting the temperature as needed.
This could not only reduce costs in adjusting temperature output but also assist in monitoring equipment for possible maintenance issues before equipment breakdown. This would reduce the need for costly repair visits and reduce overall expenses for HVAC operators.
Cannabis industry IoT
Along with agricultural uses, the company will also explore customizing an IoT system specific for the cannabis grow industry. Their platform will allow large scale cannabis producers to track temperature, lighting, water irrigation, and track shipments through the platform.
For more information:
Deep Sky Mobile