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"Condensation and high ventilation perfect for cannabis cultivation"

Tailor-made structures for the ETFE film

F-Clean Foil is a unique film that demands a tailor made structure. This is what the engineering team at Profit Agro had in mind when they developed the new construction for the F-clean film. They introduced it to the market as their ‘Top Light Greenhouse’, but every structure and solution they supply is custom made, according to Gavriel Yinhar, marketing director. “We do not mass market off the shelf products. Instead we customize each greenhouse structure to a specific need. Our innovative Top Light greenhouses find their way to growers of fruits and vegetables and recently have made quite the impression as the latest and greatest technology in the emerging cannabis market.”

Less shade and large roof ventilation
Gavriel: “Unlike most Glasshouses the New Top Light roof has a 9.6m wide span and by opening a butterfly roof vent with 2.6m wings on each side it has the largest roof ventilation ratio of 54% percent. The unique structural design uses less structural profiles, producing significantly less shade compared to any Glasshouse or Polycarbonate greenhouse.”

Durable film
“The F-clean film is a thin membrane, made of ETFE foil. Not only is it very durable (Teflon) with a lifespan of over fifteen years – it is naturally resistant to UV light and it allows up to 94 percent (93% diffused) light transmittance increasing crop quantity and quality. This is relevant to sensitive and high value crops such as cannabis, soft fruit and all kinds of flowers and vegetables.” It took an expert engineering team a couple of months to design a new structure specifically for the film and it worked out pretty well, according to Gavriel. “The maximized light, an open UV spectrum, the long lifespan, the optimization of condensation and the high ventilation capacity is why our clients consider it to be a very innovative technology for cannabis cultivation.”

Profit Agro is currently implementing Top light F-clean greenhouse models in Russia, North America, China, and Israel. They provide turnkey solutions worldwide, by professionally handling design and installation which includes complete solutions for irrigation, climate control and any other cultivation system that is required.

For more information:
Gavriel Yinhar
Profit Agro
+972 4 659-9110
[email protected]